Mi Vida Loca

Welcome to the chaos and calm, the ups and downs, the happy and sad...my life is a balancing act on so many levels! It is my Libra nature to be constantly striving for balance and harmony, and sometimes (hmm, maybe more times than I think) the devils advocate, leaning towards the contrary to get another perspective on the table. I hope you enjoy reading my new journey into the blogging world! Disclaimer: Some content maybe should've been kept in my head or in my personal journal! Read at your own risk!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Paintball Frenzy

Yesterday was my oldest's 11th Birthday, and it was a lot of fun for a whole herd of boys (husband and Uncle Nate included)! Amazing how fun it is to watch them running around shooting eachother in a large dirty & stinky room, covered with goop, feeling the pain, running for their lives. I was just glad it wasn't me, at least not at this point in my life. I keep saying "when I lose weight, when I get in shape, it will be so much fun!". Hmmm, when is WHEN? I have to be ready to lose the weight, and sometimes feel I am SO ready, but then I will eat birthday cake & ice cream for breakfast. But back to his bday...

I just can't believe we are 2 yrs from the teen years, 5 years from him driving, and 7 years from him being an adult. It didn't always fly by, these kid years, but lately, with raising 4 boys...it just seems to go to fast. Even with homeschooling and him being under wing more than not, he is just growing up into a little man of his own beliefs and opinions, so proud overall of the choices he makes in life, what he values (although he *could* be a lot nicer to his younger brothers, and is awesome with our toddler). My first baby, he is totally the guinea pig...we are learning how to raise kids and he is the first on so many levels. Of course I went into the memories of his birth and how amazing it was, what it did as far as changing my life in the best of ways.

He wants to do paintball every year, so I am thinkin that this birthday cake should just be eaten today and then on to the gym for workouts...next year I can go out there and join the herd! It would be a sad future me to have to look back at the photos of raising my kids and hating every picture because I am so out of shape, heavy & not as healthy (by far) as I could be! Morgan loves eating healthy and is so fit, he encourages everyone in our family to do the same. So hard, but what an example to him if I was able to do it, how strong would he be as an adult to see his parents pull themselves up by their bootstraps and "get r done".

We really only get one chance with these kids of ours. We make mistakes, say things we regret, have some god-awful days where we just want to crawl into bed and not come out until the next day, and then they go to sleep at night. We look upon them and at their beautiful faces as they dream, and cry for what we have done wrong, and cry how forgiving and resilient they really are, how much "bigger" and wiser they are than adults at time. We know we start fresh the next day, and if we mess up, start fresh the next hour. This is really an experiement of the greatest kind.

There is a great quote by Jackie Kennedy Onassis, "If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do well in life, matters very much."

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

It's Summer in Oregon Finally!

We are finally seeing some sun here in the rainy state, finally! Every year I have ever lived here (3 1/2 + 3 = 6 years), around this time in June people are always itching for the sun. Why, why I ever think it will be sunnier sooner is maybe that little bug in the human race (or gem depending on the context of the situation)...faith. Faith that, yes, we will see the sun again; faith that it is sunny SOMEWHERE, and, yes, it will be sunny here again too; faith that unless we are upon another ice age (which is entirely possible if you read anything prophetic or Mayan), yes, we will have sun, warmth and the flowers will bloom.

I am perplexed by the farmers up here. HOW do they make a living when the weather is eternally unpredictable? Short growing seasons, cold, freezing rain, late spring freezes, the possibility that the sun may only show for 3 months (instead of 4, har har). I am personally behind my own gardening season, even if we are "growing season-wise" behind by two weeks. I just haven't managed to pull all the weeds that are growing in the boxes. Every time I get out there, I end up cursing at the 5 damn, er, 5 wonderful little beasts that love to poop in my freshly weeded garden, deterring me from weeding anymore. Did I mention I have cats, and ones that hate litter boxes at that? (That is a WHOLE 'nother blog altogether) We bought 25 strawberry plants last year, and this year have 4x that many! We are lovin' the strawberry love. A few herbs made it through the winter and have spread massively in the herb garden too, amazing their resilience when it actually snowed a few times this past winter/spring!

We may even get some really great heat later this week (about the time we are going to be in a warehouse playing paintball for Morgan's 11th Bday, and then the next day in a gymnastics center for a sleepover, but I am NOT complaining, really). I love hot, I could live in Tuscan and just be content with the heat, but then I don't work outside the house and can hang in shorts & flip flops (used to call them thongs...not no more, uh-uh!).

Anyway, my blog is falling to pieces as I am losing focus. The 71ish degree weather is urging me to get things done in the sun! (like cleaning the pool, but again, NOT complaining, hehe).

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Too Tired!

I have been finding myself very unmotivated and tired these days. You should see my house, it is so below my standards. I hear the sun is just around the corner, in the 80s this weekend even!!! Since I have a sleeping baby on my shoulder, kids in front of the tube, I am heading off to a beckoning, comfy bed...calling to me to sleep, sleep....

On another note...if anyone wants to have more incentive to avoid factory farms, here is a great site I checked out today. www.chickenindustry.com Watch the clips, and if that doesn't convince you, you may just want to check and see if you haven't sold your soul to the evil factory farming demons yet. (um, kidding, for those of you who aren't familiar with the small humorous side of me).

Friday, June 6, 2008

Baby Jasmine 1 Day Old on MamaT's tummy.

Jordan holding Baby Jasmine, MamaK helping prop her head up. BabyJ is making a peace sign! She is 3 days old here.

Jasmine Alaska's Arrival

Jasmine Alaska was born at 5:41pm on May 27th, 2008 after about 89 hours of labor. She was 7 lbs 6.2 ounces, 20 1/4 inches long. She's nursing great now, sleeping often and makes the cutest little squeaks!

MamaT went into labor on Friday night, headed to the Andaluz Water Birth Center for a few days of low intensity labor (went from 5 cm to 8 then BACK to 5 again!!!). It seemed as if BabyJ's little arm was pulled tightly next to her head, causing there to not be enough pressure on the cervix and allowing it to dilate. After much exhaustion, MamaT then transfered to OHSU in a Midwife's car. The OHSU Doctors' felt that there was no emergency (as there would've been at 99.9% of any other hospital out there) and so the OHSU Midwives and the Andaluz Midwives sort of teamed up and guided her through through it all.

MamaT got set up, got an epidural to relax her, pitocin to try to get the waning contractions to get moving and antibiotics since she is Strep B +, her water had broken days before AND there was meconium in the waters. Finally, she rested (and she slept hours).

After almost 24 hours at OHSU, the Midwives checked and she was finally 9 1/2 cm dilated! The baby's heart kept dropping and so the Dr's checked every once in a while to make sure baby & Mama were doing well. After a couple hours of pushing, the baby's heart dropped to 60 beats per minute and would go down and then up dramatically. The placenta was not filling up with oxygen quick enough apparantely. The Drs were about 15 min from an emergency C/S and so MamaT signed the waiver to have one in case, which brought enough stress for her to push that baby out! Pushing lasted a total of 2 hours and 41 minutes!

She is the first grand-daughter in this family and has four older boy cousins!

And yes, I got to be a part of it all and saw her born! Nothing sweeter than a freshly born baby in this world.

Grey Clouds Away!

The grey, cold, clouds and rain are really, REALLY getting to me. I have to say, January through mid to late June are the hardest on me. It's like a really, really, really, really long obnoxious train the just never seems to end, going on for like, EVER. I am a very emotional being, and I am a solar powered California girl (although grew up in the Great NW from 4 yrs to 11 yrs). I like my sun. Actually, I really prefer Santa Barbara over Santa Cruz weather- with the average temp there being 65ish and foggy mornings and evenings in the summer, it was just too cold for me there. When I lived in Phoenix, AZ, I thrived on the hot, dry desert weather. I rode my bike 5 miles a day (to and from work) and it was around 112. Call my crazy, but 85 is just p-e-r-f-e-c-t. Actually, if I am near a body of water to swim in, give me 100, that is dreamy cozy comfy happy.

But, back to reality. I am in beautiful, lush green Oregon, (the birth place of water really) rain, clouds and anything soggy. Will I ever get used to the weather? Hmmm, well, I talk to many folks who after 20 years (or life long Oregonians even) never do. Rain culture it is called up in PDX.

Yeah, I am a beach bum. Tucson has a beach, right? What we DO give up to be near extended family. Do they appreciate what we give up to live near them? And really, does it matter if they do or not, because in the end it is about where you want to be and raise your kids, with or without the vermin's, er, uh, family. There are so many things to weigh out when contemplating a move (which I wasn't contemplating a move until I delved a little too deep into the crappy weather feelings I am having lately), kids, jobs, friends, family, homeschooling, parental rights, community, etc.

So, back to what I was complaining about...when IS the sun going to really return?

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