Mi Vida Loca

Welcome to the chaos and calm, the ups and downs, the happy and sad...my life is a balancing act on so many levels! It is my Libra nature to be constantly striving for balance and harmony, and sometimes (hmm, maybe more times than I think) the devils advocate, leaning towards the contrary to get another perspective on the table. I hope you enjoy reading my new journey into the blogging world! Disclaimer: Some content maybe should've been kept in my head or in my personal journal! Read at your own risk!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


As if life hasn't been hectic enough, ups and downs with certain relationships in my life, I felt the need to uproot our family...again. Thank goodness I was able to keep us this rooted for 2 1/2 yrs this time! Almost a record (longest place we ever lived was our Wilder Dr. address in Soquel, CA for 3 yrs and 4 months!).

We aren't moving far, just about a mile or so away, still in Keizer, but over by Whiteaker & Gubser schools. You wouldn't believe the amount of due diligence I put into this move! The deciding-factor score was: Stay- 12 pros/11 cons; Move- 27 pros/7 cons. There ya go...even if it is WAY more expensive. Let me highlight some of the top winners to move:

*5 bedrooms (we are in a 2 bedrm).
*2 full bathrooms (we are in a 1!!!).
*a kitchen that will allow my kitchen creativity to reign (um, hopefully?).
*a city park surrounded by really cool houses full of family centered people.
*Option to lease-own.
*Dog in our future, at least it will be MY choice if we get one or not.
*a laundry room with a mud room sink in it!

So, probably another blog sabbatical, gonna be a lot of work to pack it all, clean the new place, move everything over there, clean this place, and unpack everything (we have a lot!!!). All the while cleaning houses, carooling, shuttling my own kids, daily stuff like laundry, meals, errands, bills & trying to manage an increasing outflow (due to higher rent), and get to the gym.

I am also trying to learn about office cleaning and getting some clients and starting a housecleaning business.

Did I mention I am 176 lbs now (speaking of the gym...had to slide this in there!)? I started at about 192 at the beginning of the summer. Apparantly I aggravated my stupid Heel Bone Spur an am dealing with some health issues that are flaring up again (going for Lupus test this time). BUT, have to say that in all the years of dealing with depression, weight and such, exercise really is the answer!

Anyway, you'll find me behind my green clipboard, list of move to dos in hand, with my basket of rainbow pens, labels & packing tape! That is, if you can find the house behind all the boxes on the porch!


Sam said...

This will be a good move for you! It's high time for more space!!

Sorry to hear about the health crud again. Keep us posted.

Take Care!!

Rosalyn said...

I feel your pain! We are in the middle of moving from Tigard to Woodburn. More space, bigger house, better house, room for grow-my-own veggies... but we are currently shuttling between a house full of boxes in Tigard and a house full of boxes in Woodburn. I can't find anything except my roll of tape and my computer! Looking forward to the day when everything is put away and I can put my feet up and say ahhhh....

Karinda said...

I am at a high point in my weight gain right now and anxiety is my best friend.........I know exercise is the answer, but, but, but!!!!
You know this story, right?! Exhausted, things to do, etc...
Argh...wish me luck. I'm glad you're taking care of yourself!

Anonymous said...

congratulation on your move. I can feel your pain. I have move nine times and the last time I moved I moved my whole house lol. you can see also the pictures of that move here Pictures. any way best of luck for your move.

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