Mi Vida Loca

Welcome to the chaos and calm, the ups and downs, the happy and sad...my life is a balancing act on so many levels! It is my Libra nature to be constantly striving for balance and harmony, and sometimes (hmm, maybe more times than I think) the devils advocate, leaning towards the contrary to get another perspective on the table. I hope you enjoy reading my new journey into the blogging world! Disclaimer: Some content maybe should've been kept in my head or in my personal journal! Read at your own risk!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

No Creative Bones Here

I love to write, love, love, love to write! I also love punctuation and think I am pretty good at it, or maybe that is just what I tell myself. My vocabulary isn't as wide ranging as I would like, but always open to learning new words and more ways to use these new words in my life. My kids have been complimented on their vocabulary, and again, I tell myself it is because of me, but it is also Mark too who is not only a walking calculator, but a dictionary & thesaurus too (and knowledgeable on anything with saurus at the end of it).

For a lady of words, I sure don't do this blog thing very well. I guess it is my LIBRA nature (said it!). I am either writing for hours and quite often, or just plain don't log in. And there is the sheer fact that, yes I love writing and think what I am writing about is interesting, I am not as creative as, say, Cheyenne, or the Eat, Pray, Love writer Elizabeth Gilbert (okay, can't figure out how to link to her site...). Even thought I am technically writing for ME and, well, myself, I know someone out in the wide world (or a few in Salem anyway) may read my blog and think "hmmm, she is so dry", or "how boring...why doesn't she journal in private!". Writing for me knowing someone else is, or may, read it does change its presentation, even if just a bit.

I haven't a creative bone in my body. I have been so obsessivly organized my whole life, from the time I was just a year old and sorting the crayons and fruits by color. I assess that to the fact that as a baby through my preschool years, my life was in utter chaos living with my biological parents, and that is how I personally had control over my life...objects, organizing, cleaning...a zen-like approach to my own messed up little world. Creativity is me organizing the play dough shelf, or washing and refilling the bubble containers...or (gasp!) planning out on a sketch pad how I want my veggie boxes to look with what veggies & herbs growing where. I guess I am so in the box (creativly speaking) that I am like one of those stacking boxes that you keep opening until there is a teeny tiny little box and in that last box, that is me in there...a really scared little person/spirit hiding behind all the control of her life.

I have to mention the Power of Now and A New Earth. I have read half ANE, and have put it down to read PoN for now...not sure why, maybe because one was written before the other and that is the orderly thing to do? Also, I am good at reading half a book and then starting something else!

Anyway, these books (and Eat, Pray, Love) are changing my life as I never thought possible. I am such a work in progress...soooooooo messed up in the head that I am happy to find something that just may clear the fog and rewire my synapses (or is that snyapsees being the plural form?).

Well, no great ending to this blog...but I came, I blogged, I wrote!


Cheyenne said...

Thanks for the compliment, but you're too generous... :)

Sam said...

And a fine post, it is!

But I completely understand being intimidated by Chey's blog. Sheesh! That woman! She makes the rest of us just little blog peons.


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